Get to Know Me – Suburban Finance Has Been Nominated for a Liebster Award!

Suburban Finance began a couple of months ago and I’ve been happy to see some steady growth since it began. I haven’t been eligible for a Liebster award for quite some time on When Life Gives You Lemons, Add Vodka, because of it’s maturity.

The wonderful blogger, Thomas,  behind Your Daily Finance kindly nominated me for the award (thank you!), and here are the rules (copied and pasted from Your Daily Finance):

Rules for the Liebster Award:
1.    Only up-and-coming Blogs with less than 200 Twitter followers can be nominated for the Liebster Award.
2.    The award must be passed down to other blogs in the same category as your blog.
3.    When nominated, you must post 11 random facts about yourself
4.    After writing 11 random facts, answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
5.    Come up with 11 questions of your own for your nominees.
6.    Nominate 5 other bloggers for the award, link to them, and let them know you nominated them by commenting on one of their posts.
7.    Do not nominate the person who nominated you.

My Eleven Random Facts:

  • I eat bacon, but otherwise am a vegetarian (who doesn’t love bacon!?)
  • I stopped putting sugar in my coffee at the beginning of the year and I much prefer it.
  • I freckle easily in the sun. I always have. However, in the past two years, I stopped freckling on my face. I don’t know if that’s because I’m more diligent with wearing sunscreen or what.
  • My favorite road trip song is Maggie May by Rod Stewart. My mom always used to put it on when we were driving to see family (5 hr drive) and sing to it at the top of her lungs. We hated it back then and now I get it.
  • The first and only time I entered a casino and actually played, I won $30 in bingo (first and second tries – $15 each).
  • I’m an ESTJ on the Meyer’s Brigg scale, but I feel like I fit better in the ISTJ world. I’m right between an introvert and extrovert .
  • I have a phobia of other people’s hair if it’s not attached to their head.
  • I prefer room temperature tap water (over cold bottled water).
  • As I’m writing this, I’m doing so from my hotel room in Toronto on my first ever trip travelling alone.
  • I read 4-5 books per month. It’s my only hobby.
  • My hair is really slippery. This is a really, really random fact but it’s something that my hair dressers always comment on. It’s hard to style, because it just slips out of pins and clips.

These were Thomas’s questions:

1.    What is one the biggest challenges you faced in life?

I’ve been pretty lucky and have had a pretty easy life. Other than two instances that are too personal to blog about, working full time and going to school full time was difficult. I didn’t really realize how hard it really was until I graduated.

2.    If you could have anyone mentor you who would they be and why?

Sheryl Sandberg, author of Lean In and COO of Facebook. Self explanatory.

3.    Who is your favorite Greek God/Goddess?

I don’t have one, which is terribly boring, but I just don’t know or remember enough about them!

4.    What is one thing your parents told you that you didn’t listen to growing up that you wish you did?

I’ve always been the type to listen to my parents, but there is one thing – my mom used to tell me to put away 50% of my earnings while I was in high school and I didn’t. If I had (I worked 20 hours a week or so) I would have had enough to pay for a couple of semesters of college or at least some living costs, which would have made it easier on me.

5.    Whats the most money you ever lost at once and how did you lose it?

$3000, lending it to a “friend”.

6.    Are you an introvert or extrovert?

I didn’t read this question before I wrote my random fact, but I’m not sure. I’m a mix. I seem outgoing and feel the need to fill up silences, and I get some motivation from others, but I feel drained at the end of a gathering and have some social anxiety in certain situations. I feel more comforable with a small group of 1-2 other people and I have close friends only and very few aquaintences.

7.    Where do you seen your blog in the next 6 months?

Hopefully growing!

8.    If you could visit your younger self in 11 grade what would you say?

Get over yourself ! Not everybody is out to get you. Also, hot pink jeans are not cute under any circumstances.

9.    You are on an island alone what is the one thing you just gotta have?

My laptop and a wireless signal!

10.    Mac or PC?

I’m writing on a PC right now but I covet a Mac.

11.    Favorite game as a child with friends?

“Kick the can”!

My nominees for the award

I’m a rebel without a cause, so I’m going to break the rules a bit and nominate some bloggers that have over 200 followers. They don’t have more than 500, but I feel that these guys deserve it too!

The Tortoise Banker, CNA Finance,  Luke1428, Critical Financial, and My Wealth Desire.

My questions for these guys are:

1. What is your favorite cookie?

2. Cats or dogs, and why?

3. What is the most interesting topic in the financial realm to you?

4. What is your most dreaded task related to blogging?

5. Do you prefer Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Why?

6. How do you feel about cilantro – do you love it, or hate it?

7. At what age did you get your first job?

8. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

9. What was the last book you read?

10. Have you ever negotiated a bill (and if so, how much did you save)?

11. If you had to choose between it being sunny and 110 degree heat every day for the rest of your life, or 45 degrees and cloudy for the rest of your life, what would you choose?


Thanks for the nomination!

8 thoughts on “Get to Know Me – Suburban Finance Has Been Nominated for a Liebster Award!

  1. 1. What is your favorite cookie? Chocolate Chip!

    2. Cats or dogs, and why? We’ve got a cat named Penny, but I’d trade her in for a dog.

    3. What is the most interesting topic in the financial realm to you? Overcoming the need for financial “professionals.”

    4. What is your most dreaded task related to blogging? Marketing posts.

    5. Do you prefer Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Why? Twitter

    6. How do you feel about cilantro – do you love it, or hate it? LOVE IT

    7. At what age did you get your first job? 14

    8. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Read the bible.

    9. What was the last book you read? The Bible

    10. Have you ever negotiated a bill (and if so, how much did you save)? Yes, a termite spot treatment when I recently sold my house, got $175 knocked off a $350 bill.

    11. If you had to choose between it being sunny and 110 degree heat every day for the rest of your life, or 45 degrees and cloudy for the rest of your life, what would you choose? 110, I live in Hawaii. 🙂

  2. I loved getting to know you more, Daisy! It is so funny, but I can completely connect to you with Maggie May. It is my mom’s favorite song to this day, and she still loves to sing it at the top of her lungs.

  3. I don’t remember if it was in the Amish or some Asian country culture that working teens give a big % of income to their parents and most parents don’t spend it and return it to them when it is time to buy a house.

  4. I traveled alone for the first time last year. It was quite a bit of fun doing exactly what I wanted to do. I was just in Toronto last month. I went to Toronto Island while I was there and it was a blast. Have fun!

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