12 Well-Meaning Pieces of Advice That Are Actually Offensive

Navigating well-meaning advice can be tricky, as it sometimes comes across as offensive, irrespective of the intentions. Comments like “just have positive thoughts” or “get a real hobby” may aim to help but often invalidate personal experiences. Comprehending the effects of your words is critical for honest support.

Everything Happens for A Reason

Telling someone that everything happens for a reason is an attempt to comfort them. It implies there’s a hidden good in every challenge they face. However, it actually means you are invalidating the pain or hurdle they are facing. You run the risk of sounding dismissive rather than supportive.

Just Be Positive

You may try to uplift your friend by telling them to be positive when they seem hopeless. You’ll be encouraging them to be optimistic and ignore the negatives. What you don’t know is that you’re minimizing their genuine emotions. Empathy requires you to understand and validate these emotions.

You Should Try Losing Some Weight

Too much weight is a health risk, and a true friend would be concerned when it increases. Despite your genuine concerns, you may sound judgmental. It implies that you don’t accept them as they are, denting their self-esteem. This advice is rarely as helpful as providing support.

You Should Smile More

While this advice backfires, it is often aimed at uplifting the recipient’s spirits. It’s perceived as a message that the recipient is less pleasant in their current state. This makes you controlling and dismissive at the same time. Focus more on offering genuine kindness.

You Should Discipline Your Child More Effectively

Children can be annoying, and their behavior may have you questioning the parenting approach. Make no mistake about telling a parent to be more effective in their discipline approach. This is outright judgment and a vote of no confidence in their parenting style. Supporting and respecting varied strategies prevents such.

You’ll Find Someone Eventually

Showing concern when you believe that someone deserves companionship is absolutely fine. Telling them that they’ll eventually find someone offers hope for a better future. However, the message you are sending is that the person is inadequate and needs someone to fit in. This is minimizing their struggle with loneliness.

You Need to Communicate Better with Your Partner

You may suggest to someone that they communicate better to add spice to your relationship. This backfires sometimes and makes you sound critical of their fault, which may further strain the connection. This advice can feel accusatory and unhelpful. Instead, encourage mutual understanding to establish quality, blameless communication.

You Should Stop Spending Money On Non-Essentials

Poor financial decisions by people around you would concern you, hence the need to advise them. Your need to change this may backfire and make it look like labeling someone as irresponsible. It’s offensive, and it assumes their priorities aren’t right. Suggesting budgeting tips or sharing experiences is more supportive.

You Should Pursue a More Practical Major/Career

You should always encourage people to go for high-quality objectives in the professional sphere. Encouraging someone to aim higher in this way aims to secure their future but undermines their passions. It implies their current choice lacks value, which is disheartening. You unintentionally dismiss their dreams for your own interests.

Time Heals All Wounds; You’ll Get Over It Eventually

This remains one of the most insensitive advices one could get at their lowest. While you may believe that you’re offering comfort, it actually means you care less about their feelings and can’t wait for them to get over them. Offering empathy and a listening ear is far more supportive.

Just Have Positive Thoughts, And You’ll Feel Better

With this, you intend to uplift the spirits of the recipient. It reminds them that positive thinking eliminates negative feelings and guarantees better days. The reality is that you are dismissing real emotions and struggles, thereby invalidating them. This advice minimizes real issues. Practically possible solutions are a better approach.

You Should Get a Real Hobby Instead

Advising someone to get a real hobby instead aims at promoting productive engagements during free time. While it is well-meaning, it suggests their current interests lack value, which hurts. This advice dismisses personal passions. Suggesting new adventures and being supportive of discovering new interests.

12 Nostalgic Snacks That Just Don’t Taste the Same Anymore

Nostalgic snacks often rekindle fond memories, but some no longer taste like they used to. Whether a result of changes in ingredients or production methods, these once-beloved treats have lost their original appeal, resulting in disappointment among their fans who remember their delicious flavors from childhood. Here’s a look at some of these snacks.


Once a breakfast favorite, Pop-Tarts seem different now. Over time, the producers changed their recipes, changing the flavor that was once loved by many. Originally popular with kids for their sweet, easy-to-eat convenience, today’s versions lack the nostalgic punch. Alterations in ingredients and procedures have impacted that beloved taste.

Little Debbie Brownies

This common resident of the lunchbox has since lost its original taste. With altered recipes, their rich chocolate flavor has been diluted. These treats were the kids’ favorites because they were sweet and chewy. Today’s version can’t boast of the magic that left fans longing for more.


Butterfingers’s signature crunch has been lost, thanks to the tweaks in its recipes and changes in core ingredients. These crispy, peanut-buttery treats were staples for lovers of candy, irrespective of age. The ones produced now cannot match the satisfying texture and rich flavor that set them apart from their competition.

Thin Mints

The iconic Girl Scout cookie lost its grind to recipe modifications. Their once-crisp texture and refreshing mint flavor are no longer there. Originally loved by Girl Scout supporters and cookie enthusiasts, they can’t provide that memorable taste that made them a must-have treat anymore.

Corn Pops

Once a breakfast staple, recipe changes went away with the beloved taste and sweet flavors of corn pops. The long-time fans haven’t hidden their disappointment at the loss of the original sweetness. Equally loved by adults and children, its current versions just don’t deliver the magic of the past.

Cheese Doodles

Cheese Doodles were popular for their crunchiness, cheesy delight, and zing, but that is gone thanks to new production approaches. The disappearance of their flavor and texture disappointed loyalists. Loved by kids and adults for their bold taste, they can no longer deliver the joy of the good old days.


The iconic golden snack cake is no longer the same today. Adjustments in ingredients and production altered the beloved spongy texture and creamy filling. Their sweet indulgence attracted kids and adults in equal measure; they were a must-have. Twinkies now miss that nostalgic glamour that made them a household favorite.

Jaffa Cakes

The delightful mix of sponge, orange jelly, and chocolate that was Jaffa Cakes’ signature taste is no longer there. Altered preparations have shifted their texture and flavor, disappointing long-time enthusiasts. Kids and adults adored them for their unique taste, which they can’t find in the current version.

Matchin’ Middles

Once a childhood favorite, Matchin’ Middles has continued to fail to deliver the same deliciousness. Modifications to the formula introduced new and less desirable textures and flavors. These cookies, adored by the young for their fun shapes and creamy centers, no longer evoke the warm memories that were cherished.

Cadbury Creme Egg’s

A childhood must-have, Cadbury Creme Eggs no longer provide the same delight. Differences in the production processes have diminished their iconic creamy filling and chocolate shell. While still consumed by its fans during Easter, it doesn’t deliver the taste that gave it its popularity.

Chips Ahoy

This classic treat no longer has the same irresistible crunch that sets it apart. New ingredients and preparation strategies have altered the popular texture and taste. We enjoyed it because of its sweet chocolate goodness, which we can’t experience in the newer options.

Ritz Crackers

Ritz Crackers was introduced by a buttery, flaky goodness that has disappeared. Adjustments to ingredients have impacted their texture and flavor. Irrespective of age, their fans enjoyed their versatile use in meals and snacks. However, they come without the classic appeal that established their place as a pantry commoner.

12 Embarrassing Words From Last Year We Need to Abandon Immediately

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of popular language can be as exhilarating as it is perplexing. Each year, certain words capture the disposition, becoming prevalent in our conversations. However, not all of these terms age well. Some words, once trendy or useful, begin to grate on the ear or lose their original meaning, leading to calls for their retirement from our daily lexicon. This exploration delves into why some of 2023’s most overused words might be best left behind.


In 2023, we saw the overuse of “mansplaining,” meaning a man explaining unnecessarily to someone, typically a woman, in a patronizing way. It’s official English but is often misused to dismiss any male contribution in discussions. Let’s retire it to foster more balanced conversations. Less labeling, more talking!


“Awesomeness,” often slung around to describe anything mildly good, really waters down genuine praise. While it’s slang-turned-official, its overuse has made it a filler in casual chats. Maybe ditching “awesomeness” will bring back some weight to our compliments. Let’s make ‘amazing’ amazing again!


Slang-turned-catchphrase: “amazeballs” means extremely good or impressive. It’s breezed past its peak, morphing into a cringeworthy reverberation of overdone enthusiasm. Ditching it could sharpen our speech, sparing everyone the groans. It’s time for fresher, less eye-roll-inducing expressions. This should be retired for fresher dialogue.

Inflection Point

Originally a math term, “inflection point” indicates a moment of significant change. However, it’s been co-opted into every other conversation, often to exaggerate monotonous shifts. Overuse has dulled its impact, making complex ideas seem trivial. Clearing our chats of this phrase could help us communicate changes more accurately.


“Gaslighting” is officially when someone manipulates another into questioning their reality, often for control. Its rampant misuse as a catch-all for disagreements has watered down serious conversations about manipulation. Choosing our words more carefully might restore the gravity this term deserves and clarify actual issues.


While it might sound official, “irregardless” is a nonstandard synonym for “regardless.” This word confuses more than it clarifies, mixing “irrespective” and “regardless” into a linguistic blunder. Cutting it from our vocabulary could streamline communication and spare us the redundancy. It’s time for clearer, more precise language.