15 Pieces of Advice Old People Would Give to Their Younger Selves

Take a moment to picture yourself, years from now, sitting in a comfy chair with a lifetime of stories etched on your face. Now, imagine all the things you’d whisper back to your younger self if you could only hop in a time machine. Well, guess what? You don’t need a fancy machine; we reached out to seasoned citizens who have spilled the tea, sharing 15 golden nuggets of advice that will have you saying, “Wait, can I write this down?!”

Travel While You’re Young and Able

A 2023 AARP survey revealed that 72% of retirees regretted not traveling more in their youth. Travel broadens horizons, creates lasting memories, and is often easier to manage before settling down with careers and families.

Invest Early and Often

The power of compound interest is a beautiful thing. A 2022 study showed that starting to invest even a small amount in your 20s can lead to a significantly larger nest egg by retirement.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Life is full of minor inconveniences, but according to research by the University of California, Riverside, focusing on the negative can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Learn to let go of the small stuff and focus on what truly matters.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks

A 2020 study by Harvard Business School found that calculated risks are essential for growth and success. Stepping outside your comfort zone can lead to exciting opportunities and personal breakthroughs.

Nurture Your Relationships

A 2023 study published in the journal “Psychology and Aging” found that strong social connections are key to happiness and well-being throughout life. Invest time and effort in building and maintaining meaningful relationships with loved ones.

Prioritize Your Health

A staggering 87% of respondents in a recent Mayo Clinic survey wished they had taken better care of their health when they were younger. Healthy habits established early in life can have a positive impact for decades to come.

Learn to Say No

Feeling overwhelmed? A 2019 study by the University of California, Berkeley suggests that setting boundaries and politely declining requests can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Social media can create a distorted picture of reality. A 2022 study by the University of Texas found that comparing yourself to others online can lead to feelings of inadequacy and envy. Focus on your own journey and celebrate your unique accomplishments.

Develop a Growth Mindset

Believing in your ability to learn and grow is crucial for success. A 2018 Stanford University study highlighted the importance of a “growth mindset” in fostering resilience and perseverance.

Find Your Passion

Life is too short to be stuck in a job you hate. A 2021 survey by LinkedIn revealed that 80% of professionals would choose a career they’re passionate about over a higher-paying job they dislike. Explore your interests and find work that fulfills you.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Nobody knows everything. A 2020 Society for Human Resource Management study found that employees who ask for help are often perceived as more competent and collaborative. Don’t be afraid to seek guidance when you need it.

Embrace Change

Life is full of unexpected turns. A 2023 study by the University of Chicago found that adaptable and resilient people tend to cope better with life’s challenges. Learn to navigate change with an open mind and a positive attitude.

Live in the Moment

Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. A 2019 study published in the journal “Mindfulness” suggests that practicing mindfulness can help you savor the present moment and reduce stress.

Forgive Yourself (and Others)

Holding onto grudges only hurts you. A 2022 study by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley found that forgiveness can lead to improved mental and physical health. Let go of negativity and embrace the power of forgiveness.

Never Stop Learning

The human brain is a fascinating muscle that thrives on stimulation. A 2021 study by the National Institutes of Health found that lifelong learning can improve cognitive function and keep your mind sharp well into old age. Never stop exploring and expanding your knowledge.

What Happens to a Deceased Person’s Assets in the Absence of a Will

Ever wondered what happens to your stuff when you’re no longer around to call the shots? Well, we’re diving headfirst into the wild world of intestacy—when someone kicks the bucket without a will. It’s like leaving your estate’s fate up to chance, with the state stepping in as the reluctant decision-maker. Grab a seat and hold onto your hat as we unravel the chaos of what really happens when there’s no last will and testament to guide the way.

State Takes Control

Without a will, the state steps up to the plate, dictating where the assets will go based on intestacy laws. It’s like handing over the reins of your estate to a distant, bureaucratic relative you never knew existed.

Immediate Family Grabs the Spotlight

Close relatives, like spouses and children, typically take center stage in the distribution of assets. If you thought your long-lost cousin twice removed wouldn’t get a share, think again—family ties can run deep, even in the eyes of the law!

Spouses Reign Supreme

In most cases, a surviving spouse inherits the lion’s share of the estate. Now you know marriage isn’t just about love; it’s also about financial security, especially in the absence of a will.

Kids Come Into Play

Children of the deceased often get a piece of the pie, dividing the estate equally among them. It’s similar to a family game of “who gets what,” with the stakes being tangible assets instead of board game pieces.

No Immediate Family? No Problem:

Without a spouse or children, assets might trickle down to parents or siblings. Think of it as passing the inheritance baton to the next closest kin, creating unexpected family dynamics in the process.

Grandkids Enter the Picture

Here’s a reminder that family ties extend beyond generations, ensuring wealth stays within the clan. If a child of the deceased has passed away, their children—aka the grandkids—might step in to claim their parent’s share.

Unmarried Partners Left Out

Unfortunately, unmarried partners might not get a say in the distribution of assets without a legal will. It’s a harsh reality check for couples who haven’t tied the knot but have built a life together.

Friends and Charities Miss Out

Close friends and cherished charities will not receive a dime unless specifically mentioned in a will. Clearly, even the most heartfelt intentions can get lost in legal limbo without legal documentation.

Debts Take the Spotlight

Before anyone starts counting their inheritance, outstanding debts and taxes of the deceased need to be settled. It’s a reality check amidst the estate frenzy, reminding everyone that financial responsibilities come before windfalls.

Real Estate Riddles

Properties owned by the deceased can become hotbeds for family disputes, especially when multiple heirs are involved. Here’s a question that can turn into a real estate saga worthy of its own TV show. Who gets the house?

Personal Possessions Spark Emotions

Personal belongings, from heirlooms to cherished mementos, can stir up sentimental battles among family members. It’s like diving into a treasure trove of memories only to find that everyone wants a piece of the past.

Business Ventures Add Complexity

If the deceased owned a business, things can get even more complicated without a clear will. This is similar to navigating a corporate jungle without a guide, where ownership stakes become tangled webs of uncertainty.

Legal Costs Mount

Legal fees can quickly add up without a will as courts try to untangle the estate. It’s not just a legal drama; it’s a costly one that can eat into the value of the assets.

Long-Lost Relatives Resurface

Sometimes, distant relatives emerge from the woodwork, claiming a share of the estate. It’s like a family reunion where unexpected guests surprise everyone with their sudden appearance.

State Steps In as Last Resort

If no rightful heirs can be found, the state ultimately takes possession of the assets. This is the final twist in the tale of unclaimed legacies, highlighting the importance of having a clear plan for your estate.

Ranking the Most Iconic Meals at Cracker Barrel

Who doesn’t love a trip down memory lane with comfort food? Cracker Barrel’s menu is like a warm hug from your grandma, filled with homestyle delights that can turn any day around. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a curious foodie, here’s our definitive ranking of the most iconic meals from Cracker Barrel. Let’s dig in!

Chicken n’ Dumplins

Ever wondered what it feels like to be wrapped in a quilt made of clouds? Get yourself a bowl of Chicken n’ Dumplins. Each spoonful is a taste of home, with soft dumplings floating in a creamy broth, making it impossible not to feel nostalgic. It’s the kind of meal that makes you want to call your mom—comfort at its best.


Nothing screams ‘classic’ like the Meatloaf at Cracker Barrel. It’s like the superhero of comfort food—reliable and always saving dinner time. With a hearty blend of seasonings, onions, tomatoes, and green peppers, this dish brings the family together—just like old times. Plus, it’s even better the next day if you have leftovers!

Country Fried Steak

Ah, the Country Fried Steak—a true masterpiece draped in sawmill gravy. It’s crispy and hearty and dances on your taste buds with every bite. Honestly, if this steak could talk, it would definitely have a Southern drawl. A must-try for anyone who claims to love Southern cuisine.

Hashbrown Casserole

Morning, noon, or night—when is it not a good time for Hashbrown Casserole? This cheesy, creamy delight with a crispy top layer is why brunch was invented. Seriously, it’s like the best part of waking up, aside from coffee. And it pairs perfectly with literally anything on the menu.


Who can say no to pancakes? Especially when they’re as fluffy as the ones at Cracker Barrel. Topped with maple syrup, these pancakes might just be the reason mornings exist. Whether it’s breakfast for dinner or the start of a lazy weekend, these are a hit.

Grilled Chicken Tenders

Sometimes, you just need something a little lighter. These Grilled Chicken Tenders are seasoned to perfection and have a way of making you feel good about your meal choices. They’re a delight for the taste buds and surprisingly satisfying. On top of that, they’re kid-approved; talk about a family win!

Fried Chicken Livers

For the bold and the brave, the Fried Chicken Livers are worth trying. Rich, flavorful, and a little bit crunchy, these are a love-it-or-hate-it kind of dish. They’re packed with iron and have a unique texture that adventurous eaters will appreciate. Life’s too short not to try it at least once!

Fried Catfish

Cracker Barrel’s Fried Catfish is a Southern staple that’s hard to resist. Coated in seasoned cornmeal and fried to golden perfection, it’s like a fishing trip in your mouth. Served with a side of tartar sauce and lemon, it’s an authentic taste of the South. Don’t forget the hushpuppies—because what’s catfish without ’em?

Pecan Pancakes

Pecan Pancakes are basically dessert for breakfast. Studded with crunchy pecans and served warm, they turn any morning into a celebration. It’s a sweet, nutty treat that’ll make you wish every day started this way. Order them with a side of bacon for the perfect salty-sweet combo.

Roast Beef

The Roast Beef at Cracker Barrel is like Sunday dinner but available any day of the week. Tender, juicy, and sliced just right, it’s served with your choice of sides, making it a plate of pure comfort. Flavored with a rich gravy, it’s just like how mom used to make it—if your mom was a professional chef.

Apple Cider BBQ Chicken Breast

Try the Apple Cider BBQ Chicken Breast for a twist on the usual. It’s tangy and sweet while bringing a bit of autumn to your plate, no matter the season. Smothered in a unique apple cider BBQ sauce, it’s a delightful change from the usual fare. A favorite for those who like to mix it up!

Turkey n’ Dressing

Is it Thanksgiving? It might as well be when you order the Turkey n’ Dressing. This meal is a holiday on a plate, complete with all the fixings. Savory, comforting, and perfectly seasoned, it’s a festive treat any day of the year. No need to wait for November to roll around when you’ve got this on the menu.

Sugar Cured Ham

The Sugar Cured Ham is as sweet as it sounds and a delightful twist on an old favorite. Perfectly cooked and ideal for both breakfast and dinner—this dish knows no bounds. It’s glazed with a hint of sweetness and serves up a delicious slice of nostalgia. It’s like a meal with a personality!

Old Timer’s Breakfast

They call it the Old Timer’s Breakfast for a reason—it has stood the test of time. With eggs, grits, sausage, biscuits, and gravy, it’s the breakfast of champions. Or at least the breakfast of those who appreciate a good, solid start to their day. It’s a full plate that’ll keep you full until dinner.

Vegetable Plate

And for the veggie lovers, the Vegetable Plate lets you pick four sides to create your perfect meal. It’s fresh, it’s colorful, and it proves that sometimes, simple is best. Whether you’re a vegetarian or just looking to lighten your meal, this dish is a delightful way to enjoy Cracker Barrel’s homestyle cooking.